Blue checkmarks
for email
Blue checkmarks
for email
Blue checkmarks
for email
Secured by web3
Secured by web3

Protect yourself against phishing scams
Protect yourself against phishing scams
Phishing emails exist because we don't have blue checkmarks for email. That is, until now.
Moonfish is like anti-virus for email. Moonfish validates and authenticates emails so you can be sure the email is legitimate.
Phishing emails exist because we don't have blue checkmarks for email. That is, until now.
Moonfish is like anti-virus for email. Moonfish validates and authenticates emails so you can be sure the email is legitimate.
Known senders
Unaltered content
End-to-end encryption
Known senders
Unaltered content
End-to-end encryption
Known senders
Unaltered content
End-to-end encryption
A case of
multiple identities.
A case of
multiple identities.
Moonfish identifies and verifies senders using not one but multiple proven on-chain identity protocols.
Moonfish identity
Moonfish identity
OpenSea Verified
OpenSea Verified
…and more to come
Up to 100PB storage per team account

One click Install
Moonfish is a one click install to secure your email, your cloud files and more.
Moonfish is a one click install to secure your email, your cloud files and more.
We use the latest software to power your data. Used by the biggest enterprises today, our stack has stood the test of time.
We use the latest software to power your data. Used by the biggest enterprises today, our stack has stood the test of time.
We use the latest software to power your data. Used by the biggest enterprises today, our stack has stood the test of time.
We use the latest software to power your data. Used by the biggest enterprises today, our stack has stood the test of time.
We use the latest software to power your data. Used by the biggest enterprises today, our stack has stood the test of time.
We use the latest software to power your data. Used by the biggest enterprises today, our stack has stood the test of time.
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Access is currently limited. Be among the first to get access to Moonfish by signing up for our waitlist.
Join the Moonfish waitlist
Access is currently limited. Be among the first to get access to Moonfish by signing up for our waitlist.
Join the Moonfish waitlist
Access is currently limited. Be among the first to get access to Moonfish by signing up for our waitlist.